Tuesday, February 2, 2010

John Edwards Big Mistake

There is no doubt that John Edwards infidelity is of his biggest mistakes. What makes it worse is that he came off as deceptive about it. If I'm not mistaken, he denied the affair at first as well as the child that resulted from the affair. Prior to this, Edwards was considered by many to be this great family man. Now he has lost so much credibility that he may never again be able to run for office. Why would a person like Edwards, with so much to gain, take such a risk like this? It's bad enough that he cheated on his wife, but then he fathers a child with his mistress. It will probably be years before his family recovers from this.

Many things concern me about this affair. One of these concerns is the mental state of his children. I've been watching the news and so far I don't hear too much about them. I hope that his children are in some type of counseling for this. When these people cheat on their spouses, they seem to forget the impact that this has on their children.

I also wish his wife the best as well. She must be devastated. It's bad enough that her husband cheated. Then he compounds the problem by fathering a child with the woman. Elizabeth Edwards is also recovering from a tough disease. She's a strong person who no doubt will continue to fight this terminal illness. Right now, the best thing for her to do is to take care of herself and her children.

John Edwards has to try his best to fix the mess he's created. I hope he has sincerely apologized to his wife and children. He must make sure to never put himself in a situation like this ever again. They say that time heals all wounds. Hopefully this is will be the case for the Edwards Family.

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